Goriziane’s New Pipe Facing Machine – PF1 features:
- A bevelling machine with only one expansion group suitable for wide pipe range.
- Adjustable bevelling speed at maximum available torque, from 0 to 100% (50rpm)
- Counterboring can be added
- Suitable for left/right hydraulic block installation (quick switch)
- Can be adjusted at various angle (depending on configuration and tools installed)
- The Integrated hydraulic block can be supplied with 2 options: (a) manual use (hydraulic), and (b) electro-hyrdaulic (remote controlled). The option b will be fully electrical and automatic (no operator required).
- Expansion group: 0 maintenance for 5 years
- Less components = less maintenace required
- Universal kit of shoes for each pipe size
- Stronger and lighter than ever before. High-force clamping.
Goriziane has been manufacturing Pipe Facing Machines since early ’90s with its professional engineers deal with designing, planning, constructing, and commissioning equipment and plants for the Oil&Gas Sector, thus they accomplish turnkey projects worldwide.
Click the photo to play demo video: