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Goriziane Group communicates through G-Channel

Goriziane > Defence > Goriziane Group communicates through G-Channel

For Goriziane Group, communication and sharing are the fundamental elements to be a company projected into the future. With over 70 years of history and outsanding wealth of skills to be shared, which is why we decided to create G-Channel, a new social activity to collect and publish all activities which are organized by topics and colors.

With G-Channel, users will be able to keep up-to-date with technological solutions and numerous achievements all over the world.

All content will be organized into three categories, each identified by a different color to facilitate the sharing of information:

Engineering & Construction: orange
MRO: green
Institutional: blue

With G-Channel we have created a space for discussion and sharing to consolidate the relationship with our customers and partners, offering them the opportunity to stay up to date on all the company’s activities.

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